WSB University (WSB) is a private (non-profit) HEI operated on Polish market since 1995. According to national rank, WSB is 1st private Polish university outside Warsaw. WSB has 6 branches in South Poland (in Cracow and on Polish-Czech-Slovak border). WSB teaches around 12 000 students from 40 countries. Since 2013 WSB university and its researchers worked on over 100 projects (funds: around 37 mln euro), under Visegrad Fund, Horizon 2020, Erasmus +, Interreg Central Europe, Interreg PL-SK, Interreg CZR-PL, AI for Earth, COST Actions, National EFRD programmes, etc. WSB focuses on interdisciplinary research in international teams with administrative support of Science Development Department. Main fields of research are: Management and Economics, Education, Security and Engineering (ICT included). WSB works in wide international networks of clusters, euro-regions, enterprises, HEIs, research centers, NGOs, local authorities, schools and innovative communities as makerspaces or hubs. WSB runs Research Institute on Territorial and Inter-Organizational Cooperation, Centre for Quality and Innovation, Technology Transfer Center and Center of Modern Methods and Technologies.