2nd INTRIDE Spanish workshop for validating the curriculum

INTRIDE’s Spanish consortium ELISAVA, CENFIM and LEITAT organized the 2nd Spanish INTRIDE workshop with the aim of validating the curriculum of the new master’s program designed within the framework of the INTRIDE project. The objective of this proposal of high education on design studies is to get closer to the new paradigm and challenges in the manufacturing and production world coming in the next years, especially on the digital revolution, new social transformations, and the ecological challenges.
Spanish Workshop brought together personalities from different fields: academia, students, SME and companies involved in the design sector in order to evaluate the impact, potential and expectations of the joint master’s degree (JMD) proposed form INTRIDE project.
Final assessment obtained from all parties was concluded that JMD is a good opportunity to accelerate the changes on the design sector driven for the digital transformation and European green deal next years and encouraged to INTRIDE’s partners to follow this initiative to think and anticipate with coming 15 years challenges.