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Soft, Digital and Green Skills for Smart Designers: Designers as Innovative Triggers for SMEs in the manufacturing sector.
In INTRIDE we are leading the creation of a strong link and continuous interaction among HEIs (Higher Education Institutions), industry and intermediaries by developing a joint curriculum of the designer with soft, digital and green skills conceived as innovation trigger in activating innovation processes and managing the collaboration eco-system.
What’s new in the project?
Kick-Off Meeting
On 16th and 17th April, we had our INTRIDE Kick Off Meeting in web conference. The KOM started with a short personal presentation of all the participants and the first session concerned the project introduction, deepening the project objectives, the consortium and the workplan overview. The second session was related to all partners’ presentations and […]
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The project website is now available
The INTRIDE project aims to create a strong link and continuous interaction between HEI-Higher Education Institutions, industry and intermediaries by developing a joint currículum designer-oriented focusing on soft, digital and green skills. The designers of the future will need these further skills, in addition to the creative ones, to become real triggers and catalysts of […]
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What’s happening?
The skills Bill Gates learned at Microsoft that are helping his fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
The skills Bill Gates learned at Microsoft that are helping his fight against the Covid-19 pandemic
Bill Gates says his days as co-founder and CEO of Microsoft has helped him succeed at the work he does today with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “For me, the skills I’ve built up over my career […]
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New Designers show sees graduates strive toward a circular economy
New Designers show sees graduates strive toward a circular economy
Edible ramen packaging and biomaterials are among the five sustainable design projects from the graduate class of 2020 in this VDF school show, curated by New Designers. […]
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Five fifty: Soft skills for a hard world
Five fifty: Soft skills for a hard world
As workers interact with ever-smarter machines, the demand for soft skills is beginning to surge.

Social, emotional, and technological skills are becoming more crucial as intelligent machines take over more physical, repetitive, and basic […].
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The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Grant Agreement: 612622-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-KA

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
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