Italian national one-day validation workshop (15th June 2021)

The Italian workshop was carried out virtually, by DiD and DIDA-UNIFI as moderators, involving sector association (Federlegno), Trade Union (Confindustria Toscana Sud), Vet agency (Toscana Formazione), sector technological centre (Cosmob), furniture company (Savio Firmino) and university students.
The workshop was focused on:
- Present the JMD structure and programme
- Present the JMD methodology and tools
- Share the beta version of INTRIDE community platform
Along the questionnaire (9 key questions designed on the JMDP and Community Platform) the group was involved in an interactive way by acting on open discussion and getting data and information through online polls.
The main topics addressed were related to:
- Importance of JMDP contents according to the target category (which topic, which course, module…)
- Interest on the INTRIDE final profile for all target categories
- Duration of courses: acceptable or not for all targets – more intensive option under discussion
- Involvement of companies at all levels – suggestions
- Potential participation to modules delivered by foreign partners (how and for which purposes)
- Community platform: which functionalities could make it more useful? How to guarantee duration and long term life to the community platform?
The more important considerations emerged during the workshop are:
- The INTRIDE profile is interesting for those companies that are voted to international markets focused on turnkey projects in which the design competences are key. The curriculum is also interesting for acquiring knowledge related to standards and certifications (also included under the green skills)
- This kind of profile is able to interpret markets – support the company in starting innovation processes also in terms of identifying new market and clients. A lot of companies need a cultural change: INTRIDE competences can support this change in the enterprise dynamics where soft competences are key
- Depending on the type of company, the access to the refresher course for companies’ employees is possible and important as an option, but the main interest for a company is for sure integrating the young student trained by the entire JMDP
- The training need from sectoral furniture companies is higher and higher and companies will be ready for short courses or intensive options. A more intensive option of each refresher module will be good for companies and also for professional studios with a good level of number of employees
- Being involved in case studies for companies is important especially for showing technical constraints deriving from market and client specificities
- Concerning the community platform, the possibility of creating relationships (business or cooperation level) is the most important result and interest for all stakeholders
- Identifying problems, challenges and answering to those is the most interesting topic that can animate and push the continuous use of the platform